Section 1. Foreign Equity Participation. – Foreign-owned partnerships, associations and corporations formed and organized under the laws of the Philippines may, upon registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or in case of foreign-owned single proprietorships, with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), engage or invest in the retail trade business, subject to the following categories:
Category A – Enterprises with paid-up capital of the equivalent in Philippine Pesos of less than Two million five hundred thousand US dollars (US$2,500,000.00) shall be reserved exclusively for Filipino citizens and corporations wholly owned by Filipino citizens.
Category B – Enterprises with a minimum paid-up capital of the equivalent in Philippines Pesos of Two million five hundred thousand US dollars (US$2,500,000.00) but less than Seven million five hundred thousand US dollars (US$7,500,000.00) may be wholly owned by foreigners except for the first two (2) years after the effectivity of this Act wherein foreign participation shall be limited to not more than sixty percent (60%) of total equity.
Category C – Enterprises with a paid-up capital of the equivalent in Philippine Pesos of Seven million five hundred thousand US dollars (US$7,500,000.00) or more may be wholly owned by foreigners.
Category D – Enterprises specializing in high-end or luxury products with a paid-up capital of the equivalent I Philippine Pesos of Two hundred fifty thousand US dollars (US$250,000.00) per store may be wholly owned by foreigners.
Sec. 2. Branches/Stores. - Opening of branches/stores by the registered foreign retailer shall be allowed, provided that the investments for each branch/store established by registered foreign retailers falling under Categories B and C must be no less than the equivalent in Philippine Pesos of Eight hundred thirty thousand US dollars (US$830,000.00).